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chapter 6

   Dear diary , this morning Sam and Eric woke me up to some news . They told me there was a fire , and also a man with a parachute hanging from a tree .So I called for a meeting immediately .

  At the meeting the twins claimed they were assaulted by a monster . So we decided to go out looking. I had jack lead the search group. We decided to make wooden spheres as weapons .

 As we are looking , they decided to play games . I got frustrated and reminded them we were looking for the beast. Although they were mad at me because I ruined their fun , they still obeyed me .


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chapter 5

         dear diary , I had a meeting to talk to my friends and they are getting mad at me . They are saying that I'm falling off , or in other words , becoming a bad leader . I need to fix this .          They are saying that I'm not enforcing the rules , but they do not listen to me all the time . In order for us too succeed , they need to cooperate . If they don't cooperate , we will be on this island forever .          All my friends are too worried about this beastie . I told them it does not exist but they still don't listen to me . We need to find a way to get along so we can get off this island !